Health Clinics

Branch Dental Clinic Monterey

The Dental facility is located at the Naval Postgraduate School Campus on 1 University Circle, Monterey, CA 93943, 4th Floor of Hermann Hall. We are limited to treating only active duty personnel. Our mission is to provide optimal dental care and support to our tenant commands to help them achieve and maintain the highest Operational Dental Readiness and Dental Health. Our goal is to provide the very best prompt, courteous, professional and personalized dental care possible.
Annual exams are routinely scheduled every 20 minutes. We ask that you allow yourself a full hour as unexpected delays and sick call patients occasionally interrupt the exam schedule. Every attempt will be made to get you in and out in a timely manner. Official notification that you need an annual exam is sent to you via e-mail. Please understand that we are required by Navy directives to maintain dental health and readiness.

Routine cleanings are provided as needed depending on the recommendation of the dentist.  You must have a current exam and x-rays prior to booking a cleaning appointment.  If you desire to have your cleaning and exam on the same day please indicate that with the front desk staff and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Routine fillings and cleanings are performed in office.   All specialty care (root canals, implants, crowns, oral surgery, and periodontal surgery) is referred to civilian offices via the Active Duty Dental Program.  All specialty care must be authorized by a Navy dentist prior treatment.
Requests for night guards will be authorized on a case by case basis.  You will need to have a consultation at our clinic prior to receiving authorization for treatment out in town.
We see sick call patients on a walk in basis daily from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.   Depending on the nature of the problem you may be asked to return during and opening in the schedule or be asked to wait.  If you are experiencing pain and need to be seen after hours please go to the closest emergency room and follow up with our office to coordinate any specific specialty care you may need.
1 University Circle                           
Hermann Hall, 4th Floor
Monterey, CA 93943
It is extremely important that you keep all scheduled appointments and arrive 10 minutes early to check in.  We strive to maximize the number of appointments and procedures per day and request you arrive on time. If you need to cancel an appointment for any reason,  please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Multiple missed appointments will be referred to your chain of command for action. 
Front Desk - (831) 656-2477

Contact Us


Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 4  p.m. 


(831) 656-2477


(831) 656-2410

Command Ombudsman:


TRICARE Dental Program
FEDVIP Dental Options

The Walk-in Contraceptive Services Clinic is held every Thursday, 7:30-11 a.m., at the main side OB/GYN window at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. First come, first served.