For beneficiaries in the TRICARE West Region, TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corporation is your new regional contractor. If you have referral questions or concerns, you can reach the Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Healthcare Business department by email at

Patient Resources

Suitability Screening


To provide a central location for conducting Remote / Overseas / Sea / Operational Screenings by a staff that is well trained in the transfer process. The goal of the central location is to reduce the number of members/beneficiaries early return due to transferring to commands that cannot accommodate their medical needs.

Services Provided 

  • For both Active Duty and Dependents

    • Overseas/Sea Duty Screening
    • Operational Screening
    • ​Remote Duty Screening
    • ​Medical Reassignment Screening
    • Return to Duty Screening 

Part 1: Pre-screening 

As soon as you receive your orders or Letter of Intent (LOI), immediately start the process. We do not provide phone screening due to high volume of phone calls and to minimize confusion and delay regarding the process. Remember, the screening process is required to determine medical suitability for optimal duty locations. Our staff will complete a preliminary screen and review all the forms and records for accuracy and completion prior to booking a member’s appointment with a provider. Be advised that we do not require seeing all family members for the prescreening. Review the Suitability Screening Cover Sheet to ensure your forms and information is accurate prior to contacting the Suitability Screening Coordinator. You can print all required forms by utilizing the links below:

Part 2: Screening

Unfortunately we do not schedule Overseas screening appointments over the phone. We must have your completed package in hand before we schedule. Please note that missing information (i.e., PHA is out of date, Dental Form 1300/2 not signed, etc.) may disqualify you from being seen at your appointment time. Therefore, ensuring all pre-screening steps are complete prior to scheduling an appointment is imperative. Every member that has an appointment needs to be present for the screening. Once this appointment is completed it will take approximately 48-72 hours for a final medical review and approval. After the screening, you will receive guidance from a Medical Department Representative regarding the next step. 

Other Useful Information: 

  • If patient (Active Duty or Beneficiary) has any medical or mental conditions pending (back pain, wrist pain, migraines, sleep apnea studies, physical therapy, etc) it needs to be cleared by their PCM or Specialist before screening appointment can be made.
  • If a medical condition for an eligible beneficiary is identified during the screening process mandatory enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) will take place simultaneously.
  • If sponsor or family members are being seen outside the MTF for medical and dental, please bring a copy of all records to expedite the process. 
  • If you are going to a Pre-com Unit you will need to provide a copy of the email with the PCU information on it.
  • The Screening Suitability Coordinator is located at the Naval Health Clinic Lemoore on the first floor within the Deployment Health Clinic.
  • Audiology, Laboratory and Immunization services are available.

Please Note:

Individual Augmentation (IA) Screenings or any other Physical Exams are coordinated through the Deployment Health section of the clinic and will NOT be conducted as part of the Overseas/sea duty process. All Individual Augmentation (IA) personnel must contact the Deployment Health Department at (559) 998-2016.

Contact Us

Hours of Operation:
Monday thru Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
*Closed from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Weekends & Holidays, Closed

Naval Health Clinic Lemoore
Bldg. 937 1st floor,
West End, Room 1499,

Decedent Affairs 
(559) 998-4979 / 4490

After Hours / Weekends/Holidays:
(559) 998-4481

Fleet Liaison Officer
(559) 998-4979
(559) 998-4490 / 1373

Medical Records
(559) 998-4442 
Suitability Center 
(559) 998-0936
Closed from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Suitability Screening 
(559) 998-4440
Temporary Limited Duty (TLD)
(559) 998-4978
Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
(559) 998-4255
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!