Getting Care

Appointments & Referrals 

To Book an Appointments Online:

Use the MHS Patient Portal to book an appointment by sending a message to your provider.  

For more information about MHS Genesis, please download the brochure: MHS GENESIS Brochure
Note: Please be aware that when a patient reverts to a military treatment facility not currently using MHS GENESIS, they must convert back to using the TRICARE Online Patient Portal.

To Schedule an Appointment By Phone: 

Call the central appointments line: (559) 998-0889.
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Weekends & Holidays : Closed 

MHS Nurse Advice Line

Nurse Advice Line (NAL): 1(800) 874-2273, Option: 1
MHS Nurse Advice Line Beneficiary Portal
MHS Nurse Advice Line For any care that your primary care manager does not provide, such as urgent, preventative, mental health, and specialty care, you will need a referral. 

You Just Received a Referral, What's Next?

Download the Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Referral Guide 
TRICARE Referral page: Find out more about how to obtain the necessary referral and authorization.

How To Cancel Appointment

Please call at least 24 hours prior to cancel your appointment.

Contact Us

Appointment Line Phone: 

(559) 998-0889

Appointment Line Hours: 

Monday through Friday
7:30 am to 4:00 pm

Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Clinic Hours:

7:30 am to 4:30 pm

NHCL Referral Management Phone:

(559) 998-4322

Referrals Location:

Main Clinic, First Floor, West End

The Walk-in Contraceptive Services Clinic is held every Thursday, 7:30-11 a.m., at the main side OB/GYN window at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. First come, first served.