For beneficiaries in the TRICARE West Region, TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corporation is your new regional contractor. If you have referral questions or concerns, you can reach the Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Healthcare Business department by email at

Health Services

Welcome to Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Health Services

As a premier healthcare organization in the Department of Defense, our focus is to provide you world-class medical care in a healing environment that promotes better outcomes for our patients.

Our commitment to provide patient- and family-centered care in a Culture of Excellence is unwavering. We are certain you will experience that commitment firsthand while visiting our facility to receive care. Please use this portion of our website to see the types of services we offer.

The Walk-in Contraceptive Services Clinic is held every Thursday, 7:30-11 a.m., at the main side OB/GYN window at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. First come, first served.