Exceptional Family Member Program
The Department of the Navy Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program designed to identify family members with long-term health care or special education needs. The EFMP identifies those who require assignment within major medial areas; coordinates with
Overseas Screenings to confirm the availability of medical and educational support at overseas locations; and identifies those who are eligible for homesteading.
Contact a Representative
To find an EFMP representative, visit the Military Installations website.
Primary Goal of EFMP:
Ensure the special needs of the EFM can be met at the new assignment location. The EFM program enables navy detailers to proactively consider a family member’s special need requirement during the assignment process and to pinpoint assignment to a location with appropriate resources that address the special needs.
Who Enrolls in EFMP?
An EFM is defined as an authorized family member, residing with the sponsor, who requires special medical, psychological or educational services. EFMP requires mandatory enrollment per
OPNAVINST 1754.2 series for a family member who resides with the sponsor, is enrolled in DEERS and who: is effected by a physical, emotional or educational condition requires ongoing special medical care or special education not generally available in isolated or overseas locations.
The EFMP Enrollment Process:
EFMP enrollment is mandatory and required immediately upon identification of a special need. The necessary forms can be obtained through NHCL EFMP coordinator (see contact us section to the right).
For more information, questions, concerns, please contact NHL's EFM coordinator. The enrollment applications,
DD2792 (Exceptional Family Member Medical Summary) and DD2792-1 (Special Education/ Early Intervention Summary). Current Form DD2792 and
DD2792-1 is from January 2021, previous editions are obsolete. Please view the How-to-Guides (DD2792 and DD2792-1) if you are unsure what needs to be filled out. The EFMP Website:
*DoD Civilian employees are not eligible to enroll in the EFMP.
Navy EFMP Guidance
- DoD Instruction 1315.19, 20 Dec 05, Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense.
- SECNAV Instruction 1754.5B, 14 Dec 05, Exceptional Family Member Program
- OPNAV Instruction 1754.2D, 03 Nov 10, Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Program
- BUMED Instruction 1300.2A, 23 Jun 06, Suitability Screening, Medical Assignment
Navy EFMP Enrollment Categories:
Category 1: for monitoring purposes only
Category 2: pinpoint to specific geographic location
Category 3: usually no overseas assignments (based on availability of services)
Category 4: major medical areas CONUS
Category 5: homesteading- geographic location that offers both sea and shore assignments
Category 6: temporary enrollment- update required in 6-12 months Screening and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Identification and Enrollment.
Will Enrollment in the EFMP Affect My Ability to Make Rank?
No, enrollment in the EFMP will NOT hinder a service member’s career advancement, nor will it prevent service members from serving their required sea/shore rotation. Please contact your EFMP Coordinator for more information.
What is an EFMP Coordinator?
EFMP coordinators serve both personnel and family support functions. They facilitate initial enrollment, updates, and guide families to other services if required. They are located at medical treatment facilities (MTFs) and are responsible for screening enrollment packages (DD2792, DD2792-1, and IEP, EFSP, or 504- if applicable).
What is an EFMP Case Liaison?
EFMP Case Liaisons are stable points of contact located throughout the fleet to assist with the enrollment process, education on the program, provide information and referrals, individualized service plans, and case management. They can be found at
Fleet and Family Support Centers
Disenrollment May be Requested if Any of the Following Occur:
- Special medical or educational services are no longer required for a family member (must include supporting documentation).
- You divorce and/or no longer have custody of EFM.
- Your EFM family member is deceased.