For beneficiaries in the TRICARE West Region, TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corporation is your new regional contractor. If you have referral questions or concerns, you can reach the Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Healthcare Business department by email at

Health Services

Wellness Center

Our Mission:

To ensure active duty members are physically and mentally ready for worldwide assignment; to train and promote the health and wellness of our active duty in any contingency; and to deliver quality health services to all eligible beneficiaries.

Our Purpose / Responsibilities: 

Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Wellness Clinic provides education, awareness, and special programs designed to encourage, motivate, and enhance the total well-being of the Naval community. We are available for all active duty, dependents, retirees, & civilian or employees of Naval Air Station Lemoore. We provide services that help improve current lifestyle habits. We can assist with weight management issues (losing, gaining, or maintaining weight), fitness assessments, tobacco cessation program, and responsible sexual health information, information to the American Cancer Society and American Lung Association Programs, and ongoing classes. We are here to assist any active duty in need of help attaining BCA standards or PRT requirements.

Individual Consultations 

Heart Healthy Nutrition Consultations (coming soon) 

Do you already have or are you at risk for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol? In this consultation, you will learn the basics of heart health through proper nutrition and exercise. Includes a nutrition assessment and meal planning guidelines.

Tobacco Cessation Program

Do you smoke, dip, chew? Would you like to quite now? Our program can help you through use of support sessions & Nicotine replacement therapy if you qualify.

Classes Offered:

Ship Shape Class (coming soon)

Ship Shape is the Navy's approved 8-week weight management program.  The class provides basic information on nutrition, stress management, physical activity, and behavior modification techniques to lower and maintain an acceptable body weight within Navy standards * Offered throughout the year, generally after each PRT cycle.

Other Services: 

Microfit - Fitness Assessment (coming soon) 

Have you modified your diet or began exercising? Does the scale seem like it might be stuck on the same numbers? Sometimes when trying to lose weight the scale only provides a small part of the story.  An initial appointment is 75 minutes. A mini-micro fit session is 5-15 minutes. An appointment is not necessary for a mini-micro fit but please call before coming in.   Computer based to measure:
  • Body composition (lean/body fat%)                             
  • Cardiovascular health (VO2 Max)
  • Strength/strength endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Blood pressure & heart rate
  • Basal metabolic rate

On Site Training Presentations for any Command:

We also offer the following training presentations to any command on base. 
  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Stress Management
  • Sports Injury Prevention
  • Cholesterol Education
  • Men & Women’s Health
  • Responsible Sexual Health
  • Heart Healthy Education
  • Educational Library
  • Medical Conditions & Nutrition
  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Exercise
  • Men & Women’s Health
  • Tobacco Cessation

Contact Us


(559) 998-2697

To cancel - please give us 24 hrs. notice


Monday through Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
Adjacent Occupational Health East side of Building 937 near the NHCL information desk. Room 1300
The Walk-in Contraceptive Services Clinic is held every Thursday, 7:30-11 a.m., at the main side OB/GYN window at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. First come, first served.